History of Germany Podcast

Available on iTunes (and wherever else podcasts are available) or directly from Acast.com

Now in Arabic!

Twitter: @HG_Arabic

Hosted episodes: acast.com/tarikalmania

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Arabic instructions on how to listen.

The History of Germany in Arabic is intended for Refugees living in Germany to learn about the people and history there.



1GdDeutschen RSS

33 thoughts on “History of Germany Podcast

  1. When will you start doing new episodes of the podcast. Its been quiet for a long time.
    Have really liked it so far.

  2. Hello!
    I just discovered your podcasts (English and German versions) and they’re great!
    I noticed both seem to have stopped last fall. Was that the last episode? I’m just curious. It’s not from impatience. I still have years of your work yet to listen to!

    Thanks so much for doing that. I’m sure I’m not alone in my amazement at the work and generosity it took!


    1. We’ll be back! Right now I’m focused on Americana für Euch (in German) and Pete is doing the Past Access YouTube channel as our primary projects–but we’ll circle back around!

  3. I’m a fan of the history of Germany podcast and twice been to that beautiful country I’ve been to kaiserslautern and Mannheim for military maneuvers and then I insisted on going on my honeymoon to Bavaria and Tyrol regions which we are so glad we did.
    I have some topics i hope you could help give historical trivial knowledge on

    1. we love taking listener requests. 100’s of topics are already on the list in chronological order, but if you want us to move some subject up, let us know! Thanks for posting and listening! (I’ve had some good time in Mannheim)

  4. Hi Travis, thanks for sharing the awesome history with us, love the podcast. However, I’m traveling to germany in about a month and wanted to complete my “education” of german history before my trip.

    Is there a good book that you can recommend, to continue learning from where we’re at in this podcast?

    Thanks again for all the effort.

  5. Have you quit making this podcast?

    1. Nope, we’ll be back in November.

  6. Hi Travis,
    great work. I like Americana, Geschichte der Deutschen and Bohemican.
    Especially it gives me (as a German) another point of view on things.
    Thanks for great entertainment and education.
    Yesterday I listened to the “Antisemitismus” chapter from “Geschichte der Deutschen”. Interestingly you say that Hitler wouldn’t have been as successful if Twitter had already existed then.
    I smiled and thought of all the Twitter stuff the current president of the US creates theses days. I don’t want to put him up to the same level as Hitler, but for me all the crab he sends should wake up the american people to prevent him from ruling your country, but it seems that not too many people really care.

  7. Congratulations again for the podcast. I have listened to two more episodes. It is great to combine them with the episodes from History of the Papacy, the result is really interesting.

    Thank you.

  8. Hey Travis. Love the Geschichte der Deutsche show, and I heard you mention that there are more history podcasts out there in German (I also think you mentioned one about ancient Rome), could I ask you for the history podcasta you know of that are in German? Your show ia great for me as a German learner btw.


  9. Hello Travis, thanks for the great podcast – really love it. Have already been planning the next release beyond chapter 44? If yes, when? Best regards, Nicky.

    1. Absolutely! There will always be a next. It will come out within 2017, I hope. But there’s a long way to go, so I’ll release more regularly when I start back up.

  10. Hi Travis, and congratulations for your the podcast. I have been waiting for a long time for a podcast about the Holy Roman Emperors, and am glad that I finally found it.
    However, I have difficulties in downloading the episodes. I just don’t seem to find the way. Can you help me?

    1. Sure, just search for the podcast on podbay.fm and download from there. That should work for any podcast that’s on iTunes.

  11. Travis, Just a couple comments. Great overview of the hisotry, but it can be hard to listen to. Do you just do stream of conscious or do you write a script? In your last few episodes, you tend to bounce around a lot. Also, any show notes or maps would be helpful.

  12. Hi Travis, ich bin erst vor ein paar Wochen auf deinen Podcast gestossen und er hilft mir sehr oft, wenn die Arbeit monoton ist. Danke dafür. Gestern habe ich die Folge über die Friesen gehört und ich möchte ergänzend anfügen, dass die friesische Sprache mitnichten augestorben ist 😉 in Nordfriesland, besonders auf den Inseln wird diese noch gesprochen und gepflegt. du kannst ja mal “Söl’ring Foriining” oder “Üüs Söl`ring Lön`”googeln.
    Ganz liebe Grüße und ganz herzlichen Dank auch an die anderen “Americana”

    Kai Grohmann

    1. P.S.: Als Android user kann ich dich bei I-tunes nicht bewrten, sorry

  13. Dear Sir,
    I opened your website, then clicked on German Hisory, a long list appeared but no Podcast… Pleae help.

    1. The titles (and numbers) in the list are the individual links. Or you can find the podcastcast directly from acast.com or through a podcatcher. Hope that helps.

  14. Hallo Travis,

    erstmal vielen Dank für den Podcast. Freue mich jedesmal wenn eine neue Folge kommt.
    Als in der Episode mit Steven Guerra, der Gang nach Canossoa angesprochen wurde, musste ich an eine Folge von “Eine Stunde History“ die neulich in DRadio Wissen zum Thema lief,denken.


    In dieser wird von heutigen Historikern angezweifelt, das der Gang nach Canossa so stattgefunden hat wie es erzählt wird.

    Viele Grüße!

    1. Das die Geschichte romantisiert ist, ist mir klar. Aber die Diskussion würde mich auf jeden Fall interessieren. Danke!

  15. Travis!

    Thanks for putting this out there, it’s terrific.

    A correction, though, if you don’t mind: in the podcast on the conversion of Germanic peoples, you say that “catholic” and “orthodox” are the Latin and Greek words, respectively, for “universal.” The word “catholic,” however, is originally Greek (καθολικος) and means “universal.” The word “orthodox” is also Greek, and means “correct teaching.” sorry if this pedantic of me. Anyways, keep up the good work!

  16. Sorry to be picky but Hadrian’s Wall is in England, not Scotland. Other than that great episode.

  17. Ah man, was listening to lots of history podcasts lately and was playing with the thought of doing a History of Germany podcast in English myself (being German and having some degrees to put to use).
    On the one hand I am a bit sad somebody got there first, on the other hand I am glad somebody is doing it, so keep up the (hopefully good) work. Will give your podcast a go soon, I hope not to be dissapointed 😉

  18. Hallo Travis- Wann wird die nächste Folge veröffentlicht? Ich bin ein großer Fan von deinem Podcast und warte darauf.
    Viele Grüße!

    1. Bald ist es wieder soweit! Und danke!

  19. Are you taking a break or is my podcast app broken☺ . Love the cast. Thanks for doing it.

    1. Definitely soon! I took a break to write a book, which is now done (and off to the editors)

  20. I love your podcasts, and loved to hear that you are a technical writer 🙂

    1. Thanks! And yes… “documenting” is what I do at work, and with podcasting 🙂 –I think it fits quite well!


  21. Am suddenly unable to download past episodes from ITunes. Is there anywhere on this site I can download? Or could you check it out with Apple?

    1. you can download them by searching for the podcast on podbay.fm ..we’re working on finding a better solution.

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