History of Alchemy Podcast


Turning lead into gold. It’s that simple. Listen to Pete and Travis talk about 1400 years of history. Where mysticism meets logic.
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2 thoughts on “History of Alchemy Podcast

  1. I wish this podcast could’ve kept going. This was my first real, trustworthy look into the world of the arcane, and I appreciate this bounty of information so much, I hope whatever keeps this information hosted never lets it fade bc it truly is a beautiful collection of sound historical information and I appreciate it’s existence.

  2. Hello Messrs. Collman and Dow,

    Thank you so much for the work you do. In a year when the world seemed to shrink a lot, you’ve done a great deal to open it back up again for me, at least in audio form. It has also been endearing to hear about your own lives on the podcast, and I’m all the more avid a listener for it.

    I very much enjoyed your History of Alchemy series, which I hope you pick up again at some point.

    On several occasions, you’ve referred in negative terms to your opinion of Carl Jung, whose work and background had a great deal to do with alchemical thought. I’d love to hear more about your perspective on him and why a thinker of such contemporary relevance inspires such a dismissive reaction, despite mining a vein common to your other subjects.

    Thanks again, and best wishes to you both.

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