a | b | ch | c’h | d | ə | f | g | h | i | kʰ | kʰw | k’ | l | ɬ | m | n | o
p | p’ | q | qw | q’ | q’w | r | s | sh | t | t’ | tł | t’ł | ts | t’s | u | w
x | x̣ | y | ʔ
Click on the word to expand for more information.
aba ⺠well then
Interjection from French “eh bien”.
aha ⺠ok, alright | yes!
Example from CTGR dictionary project:
“‘dret mayka wawa?” – “aha, dret na wawa” ⺠“You are really speaking the truth?” – “Yes, I speak the truth.”
Note: it may sound a bit like the English “uh-huh” but is to emphasize something, and not used the same way.
alaxti ⺠maybe, might, perhaps | almost
Example (CTGR) for maybe, perhaps: aláxti mayka ɬatu ⺠You might go.
Example (CTGR) for “finally, then”: alaxti qʰá-san ma chaku sáxÌ£ali ⺠And finally some fine day you’ll rise up!
See t’ɬunas ⺠don’t know
Etymology: from Old Chinuk for “at last, finally”.
alÉksh ⺠to beg for
Example (CTGR): kÊ°amuksh alÉksh uk mÉkÊ°mÉk. ⺠Dog begs for that food.
Etymology: from Salish languages -> pity, poor.
alikʰuchik ⺠(archaic) Dentalium shell
Might have been used as a currency by the Chinuk. Might have also been used as the word for “shell” in general (also old, and maybe only around Puget Sound).
alim ⺠rest, take a break
Variants: ilim
Examples: miɬayt pi alÃm. ⺠Sit (stay) and rest.
Etymology: Unlikely from French for aliment (food). So who knows.
álta ⺠now
Other spellings: alta
Also “and then” in storytelling: Now the dog wakes up, now the dog stretches, now the dog goes outside.. to move a story along.
alta … aɬqi … ⺠Now … (then)
Example (CTGR): alta mayka chaku aɬqi sayku ɬatu ⺠Now you come on (and) we’ll go.
alta compounds:
alta-aɬqi ⺠now will
Examples (CTGR):
⢠nayka tÉmtÉm, “alta-áɬqi nayka mÉkÊ°mÉk?” ⺠I think “now will (do I have to) I eat it?”
⢠alta-áɬqi nayka munk-mÃmlus mayka, pus nayka t’ɬap mayka ⺠Now I will surely kill you, when I find you.
alta hilu ⺠to be done with. that’s all now.
See finis.
alta ɬush ⺠that’s good | nice
Example: “That’s nice!” as exclamation.
alta-pus ⺠now when … , then would … .
Example (CTGR):
álta-pus ya q’uÊ k’ilapay Ê° ɬas haws álta-pus ya umaÊ uk ya chÉch ⺠Then when she would get back to their house then she would feed that grandmother of hers.
alta-wÉxÌ£t ⺠then again
áɬqi ⺠later (future)
Other spellings: Al’-ki, alekli
also “eventually”
Examples (CTGR): ‘áɬqi yaka mamuk ⺠Later on he’ll do it.
- áɬqi … áɬqi … ⺠then it will be (that) ….
- áɬqi-hilu (munk-áɬqi-hilu) ⺠to use up, to consume.
- áɬqi pus … chxi … ⺠until; only when … ; not until …
- áɬqi-tumala ⺠tomorrow it will be; sometime in the future
Example (CTGR): alta-tumula ⺠then next day …
- áɬqi-tumala sitkum-sán nisayka k’ilapay ⺠We’ll get back tomorrow noon.
- áɬqi-wÉxÌ£t ⺠see you! (good-bye)
- áɬqi wik-lili ⺠in a little while.
ampkwa ⺠the Umpqua people.
ana ⺠exclamation of surprise
See: ala
anqati ⺠before (past), long ago
Other spellings: ahnkutty, ahnkuttie
Use anqati to indicate past tense.
Shaw says this:
Alm’-kut-tie, or Ah’n-kut-te, adv. (C) (CMnook.-ankutti.) Formerly; before now; long- ago; anciently; ago. (With the accent prolonged on the first syllable, a very long time ago; anciently. The longer the first syllable is held, the longer the time expressed.)
aaanqati ⺠very long time ago
- (CTGR) anqati tsa mÉkÊ°mÉk hayú ⺠In the past we ate quite a lot.
- aaanqati yak achaku yakwa ⺠He came hera a loooong time ago.
anqati-ikta ⺠artifact
antʰiyeɬ ⺠wasp, yellowjacket, bee
antÊ°iyeɬ mÉlasis ⺠honey
bastÉn-antÊ°iyeɬ ⺠honey bee
Etymology: from Kalapuyan. Honey bees came with white settlers. Before, at the end of summer when one burnt the prairie, they’d eat the leftover roasted yellowjacket larvae.
ata ⺠to wait for, to linger
Examples (CTGR):
lili ya atá ⺠he waits for some time.
na atá tunús ⺠I’ll wait a little.
atá nayka ⺠wait for me.
ats – sister
Sometimes kapxu ⟺ older sibling (brother or sister), and ats is only a younger sister. Other times ats can be a younger or older sister (depending on source).
See aw.
aw ⺠brother
Sometimes kapxu ⺠older sibling (brother or sister), and aw is only a younger brother. Other times aw can be a younger or older brother (depending on source).
ayaq ⺠quickly, immediately, at once | able to, competent
Alternate spelling: hayaq, but use to ‘ayaq’.
ayaq-kuri ⺠to run fast.
ayrish ⺠Irish
Pertaining to the ethnicity from Ireland.
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